He spoke to me

We had finished our Sound Check and Audio- Visual run through and I was walking around the room practicing the words I would be saying to introduce that first level of giving.  I was looking at canvases that were placed around the venue with pics of children whose lives are being changed, impacted and saved through the work of our client is doing. 

 There was this one pic right next to the stage. A young boy looking straight into the camera with a big smile. And he spoke to me. In the midst of his circumstances, from a position of poverty, and possibly being an orphan, that little boy radiated pure happiness.

 “Tonight I stand on that stage for you,” I thought as I stood there looking into his eyes.

 There is so much need out there and as fundraisers, in whichever capacity we serve, whether it be Development, Event Management, Management, Board member or in our case, the fundraising hosting and auctioneering, we can become inundated by the numbers….the Dollar goal that must be raised, the levels of giving, how many guests are attending, what it costs to make what impact.  That focus is good.  It is vital to the fundraising process.

 But every now and then, we need to stop for a second and look into the eyes of the people whom we are ultimately serving and be reminded why we do what we do and who we are doing it for.

 Thank you for doing what you do for these kids LIVE2540.







You the People